About the company

About the company

Get to know our team of professionals

Our history

GreeMi brand exists from 2005 and from the beginning of its existence it specialises in companies’ comprehensive services. Our team creates companies’ and organisations’ image. We know how to reach your potential customers.

Years of experience

Our advantages are professionalism, rapidity of operation, flexibility, understanding of rapidly changing market. Every order is dealt with individually.

The foundation of preparing effective outside advertisement is close cooperation with the Customer.


STAGE I: Detailed analysis and consultations of the Customer’s needs
STAGE II: Preparing initial advertisement design
STAGE III: The production begins after acceptation of the design
STAGE IV: Realisation in the deadline convenient in the established place

The company’s activity is about discovering the newest solutions and searching for original ideas when creating a company’s image or promotion. We provide advice as far as long-term advertisement is concerned.

Direct manufacturer

We are direct contractor of products connected with visual advertisement. Independent performance of orders allows us to guarantee the highest quality, offering the shortest possible deadlines and all that, you get for the minimum price range, which as we believe will be attractive to you.

Rich machine park

Our company has got rich and well developed machine park which allows direct production of the highest quality advertisements. What is more, we provide excellent conditions for our Customers so that they could get to know our products and Customer Service.

Our headquarters

Visit us

Contact us

Grupa Reklamowa GreeMi
ul. Kwiatkowskiego 79a
35-311 Rzeszów

Customer Service Office
tel: +48 17 854 55 78 / wew. 4
kom: +48 609 850 603
e-mail: biuro@greemi.pl

Opening hours
Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 16.00
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed